How long does it take for nyquil to kick in
How long does it take for nyquil to kick in

how long does it take for nyquil to kick in

I take OTC sleeping aids, and they knock me right out, but I believe the Mirt is waking me up numerous times throughout the night. Its the insomnia that is the hardest one for me now. I get fidgety sometimes but not panicy or anxiety.that is a bonus. Going to a doc and asking for help was a tough one for me, but whatever, I did it and here we are. I have never taken AD before, this is the first for me.Īs I have always ignored ther fact that I have problems. My doc wants to keep me on it for 9 months, and so I am going to hang in there and see how it goes. The feelings I have are quite different than when I was on the 15mg. That being said, I have gone the full week on 30mg, this week will be my 3rd week on Mirt, and my 2nd week at 30mg. The 15mg is usually only perscribed for ppl with sleep issues. The first week on 15mg I, like you, felt the changes immediately! I was curious why the increase would be needed and my doc told me because I am suffering anxiety and depression and insomnia. Seems to be very popular for doctors to be doing actually. Hi Patricia, I started taking Mirt* 15 mg 2 weeks ago, I took that for the first week and for the 2nd week my doc increased to 30mg. None of us are doctors though, so although its been incredibly good reading other peoples experiences, I would beware changing anything without first talking to your GP or another qualified doctor. Doubtless in 10 years there will be better drugs available.(not much help now I know) So I should hang in there, believe it will work for you if not immediately but gradually, and try to keep busy when you feel crap. A good analogy.īasically, there dont seem to be any wonder cures for depre ssion out there! Not yet anyway. Someone compared its effect to throwing snowballs at a wall - a little bit more snow sticks each time. (but only felt better after I had been on 30mgs for about 8 weeks) During the initial weeks I felt jittery, hyper, irritated and then ready for bed by 7pm. I took it two years ago and it worked well for me then. From my own experience, 15 mgs had a nice sedating effect, whilst upping it to 30mgs had a more 'activating' reaction and has been extremely hard - Im on week 13 now and know I shall be on it for a further 5 months. Sorry to hear about your difficulties with Mirtazapine - its good to share experiences on a site like this, so you dont feel quite so alone when its tough going.

How long does it take for nyquil to kick in