Call of duty cold war download slow
Call of duty cold war download slow

The game is already around 150 GB in size and we all know how large the COD updates generally are. This is actually a huge problem because just like COD MW and Warzone, Cold War is a huge game as well. The issue we are talking about here is the extremely slow download speeds while downloading or updating Call of Duty BOCW. Which, shouldn’t be a surprise, as most of you probably know how COD titles are during the first few weeks after launch. Players have been experiencing innumerable amount of bugs, glitches, errors and performance issues since the launch. Obviously, Warzone players don’t have to worry because Cold War doesn’t have any separate Battle Royale mode.īut we cannot deny the fact that despite being a really good game, Black Ops Cold War has it’s fair share of problems. And if everything goes according to plan, this title might completely replace Modern Warfare 2019. Just like Modern Warfare 2019, COD BO Cold War is extremely engaging and every player can pick up pace irrespective of their playstyle. Call of Duty (COD) Black Ops Cold War – Slow download speed – How to fixĬall of Duty Black Ops Cold War is finally out, and just like the previous COD titles, this game has also managed to garner millions of players right from the launch day. Sony’s PS5 FAQ page only mentions software updates, stating, “Downloading and applying game software updates on PS5 should work more quickly than on the PS4 console in general, as the data size of updates and patches is managed more effectively.Black Ops Cold Wars slow download speed – Experiencing extremely slow download speed while downloading or updating COD BOCW on the app? Here is how to fix it.

call of duty cold war download slow

Additionally, Sony never officially mentions anything about increased download speeds. Mike Williams of USGamer has experienced the contrary, stating a 36.6GB game took “7 minutes and 1 second” to download compared to the PS4 Pro which “took a total of 58 minutes and 34 seconds to download completely.” In Screen Rant’s PS5 review, Rob Keyes experienced “ painfully slow download speeds” with a medium-sized game such as Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales taking nearly 3 hours to download and a smaller game like Rocket League taking nearly an hour.

call of duty cold war download slow

The amount of time it takes to download games on the PS5 still appears to be slow in general despite the PS5’s use of an SSD. Related: Biggest PlayStation 5 Problems Reported So Farĭestiny 2 is not the only game on the PS5 experiencing slow download times.

Call of duty cold war download slow